navbar 4Resource papers in action research

Action learning bibliography


This is a resource file which supports the regular public program "areol" (action research and evaluation on line) offered twice a year beginning in mid-February and mid-July.  For details email Bob Dick  or

...  in which you will find an action learning bibliography compiled by Shankar Sankaran <>


Shankar explains: "Most of it came from a bibliography published in IFAL's newsletter and gathered by Prof.  Alan Mumford.  Some of them came from Prof.  [Charles] Margerison's bibliography on Management Development.  Rest are what I have come across.


Adams., and Dixon, N.M..  Action Learning at Digital Equipment in Pedler, M., Action Learning in Practice, 2nd Edition, Gower, Aldershot, UK.

Anthony, W.  (1981), Using Internships for Action Learning, Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol.  5.  No.1.

Ballantyne, R., Bruce, C.  Packer, J., (1993) Action Learning in Vocational Education and Training, Theoretical Background, Vol.  1., TAFE National Staff Development Committee.

Beaty, L., Bourner, T., and Frost, P., (1993), Action Learning: Reflections on Becoming a Set Member, Management Education and Development, Vol.  14.  Part 4.

Bennet, R., (1990), Effective Set Advising in Action Learning, Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol.  14.  No.  7.

Boddy, D.  , (1979), Some Lessons from an Action Learning Programme, Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol 3.  No.  3.

Boddy, D., (1980), An Action Learning Programme for Supervisors, Human Resources Development, Vol.  4.  No.  3.

Boddy, D., (1981), Putting Action Learning into Action, Journal Of European Industrial Training, Vol.  5.  No.  5.

Boisot, M., (1986), Action Learning with Chinese Characteristics: China - EEC Management Programme, Management Education and Development, Vol.  17.  Part 2.

Boisot, M., (1987), Chinese Boxes and Learning Cubes: Action Learning in Cross Cultural Context, Journal of Management Development, Vol.  6.  No.  2.

Braddick, W., (1990), Learning Together: Practical Lessons in Partnership in Management Development, Journal of Management Development, Vol.  9., No.  4.

Bunning, C., (1992), Turning Experiences into Learning, Journal of Industrial Training, Vol.  16, No.  6.

Caiae, B., (1987), Learning in Style, Journal of Management Development, Vol.  6.  No.  2.

Cannon, T., and Willis, M., (1983), The Role and Application of Action Learning to Management Development in the Small Firm, Management Education and Development, Vol.  14.  No.  2.

Casey, D.  and Pierce, D.  (1977), More Than Management Development - Action Learning at GEC, Gower, Aldershot, UK.

Casey.  D.  , (1985), The Awful Nature of Change, Management Education and Development, Vol.  16.  Part 1.

Casey, D.  (1991), The Role of the Set Adviser and Breaking the Shell of your Understanding in Pedler, M.  (Editor), Action Learning in Practice, Gower, Aldershot, UK.

Casey, D., (1993), Managing Learning in Organisations, Open University Press, London.

Cederholm, L., (1993), Personal Development, Action Learning News, May.

Coates, J., (1986), An Action Learning Approach to Performance Review and Development - A Case History form the London Borough of Bromley, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol.  18.  No.4.

Coates, J., (1989), How People Learn on Management Courses?  Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol.  21.  No.  2.

Codori, C., (1989), Three Experiences in Action Learning: Audit Training Meets the Real World, Management Audit Journal, Vol.  4.  No.  3.

Cunningham.  I, (1991), Action Learning for Chief Executives in Pedler.  M.  (Editor), Action Learning in Practice, Gower, Aldershot.  UK.

Dixon, N., (1990), Action Science and Learning New Skills, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol.  22.  No.  4.

Dixon,N.M., (1991), Helping US Human Resource Professionals into Action Learning in Pedler, M.  Action Learning in Practice, 2nd Edition, Gower, Aldershot, UK.

Dixon.  N., (1994), The Organisational Learning Cycle, McGraw Hill, Maidenhead, UK.

Donaghue, C.  (1992), Towards a Model of Set Effectiveness, Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol.  16.  No.  1.

Downham, T.A., Nowell, J., Prendegast, A.E., (1992), Executive Development, Human Resource Management, Vol.  31., No.  1.  and 2.

Enderby, J.E.  and Phelan, D.R., (1994), Action Learning as the Foundation of Cultural Change, The Quality Magazine, February.

Foy, N.  (1977), Action Learning Comes to Industry, Harvard Business Review, Vol.  55.  No.  5.

Foy, N., (1972), The Maverick Mind of Reg Revans (Action Learning, A New Approach to the Training of Managers), Management Today, Nov.

Froiland, P.  (1994), Action Learning: Taming Problems in Real Time, Training (USA).  January

Garratt, B., (1987), The Learning Organisation, Harper Collins Publishers, London.

Gilbert, R.V., (1979), Action Learning Down Under Comes Out on Top, Education and Training, Vol.  21.  No.  10.

Gosling, J.  and Ashton, D., (1994) Academic Learning and Academic Qualifications, Management Learning, Vol.  25.  No.  2.

Harrison, R., Miller, S., and Gison, A., (1993), Doctors in Management, Executive Development, Vol.  6, No.2.  and Vol.  6., No.  3.

Hiscock, L., (1983), An Action Learning Programme for Between- Jobs Managers, Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol.  7.  No.  4.

Inglis, S., (1994) Making the Most of Action Learning, Gower, Aldershot, UK.

Jones, M.L., (1990), Action Learning as a New Idea, Journal of Management Development, Vol.  9.  No.  5.

Kable, J., (1989), Management Development Through Action Learning, Journal of Management Development, Vol.  18, No.  2.

Korey, G.  and Bogorya.  Y.  The Managerial Action Learning Concept-Theory and Application, Management Decision, Vol.  23.  No.2.

Kozubska, J., (1989), Role of the Set Adviser, Action Learning Resource, MCB University Press.

Lawler.  A., (1985), Productivity Improvement Manual, Gower, Aldershot, UK.

Lawrence, J., (1991), Action Learning: A Questioning Approach, in Mumford, A.  (Editor), Handbook of Management Development, 3rd Edition, Gower, Aldershot, UK.

Lawrie, J., (1984), Taking Action to Change Performance, Personnel Journal, January.

Lessem, R., (1993), Business as a Learning Community-Applying Global Concepts to Organisational Learning, McGraw Hill Book Company, Berkshire, England.

Lewis, A., (1994), Action Learning in Prudential Assurance, Management Bibliographies and Reviews, Vol.  20.  No.  8.

Maier.  D.  I., (1981), The Case of Learning by Doing, Education and Training, Vol.  23.  No.  3.

Margerison.  C.  J., (1978), Action Research and Action Learning in Management Education, Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol.  2.  No.  6.

Marsick, V., (1990), Experience Based Learning: Executive Learning Outside the Classroom, Journal of Management Development, Vol.  9.  No.  5.

Marsick, V., Cederholm, L.  Turner, E., Pearson, T., (1992), Action Reflection Learning, Training and Development (USA), August.

McGill, I.  and Beaty, L., (1992) Action Learning: A Practitioner's Guide, Kogan Page, London, UK.

McLaughlin and Thorpe.  R., (1993) Action Learning: A Paradigm in Emergence, British Journal of Management, Vol.  4., No.  1.

McNulty, N.  G., (1979), Management Development by Action Learning, Training Development Journal, Vol.  33.  No.  3.

Mead, M., (1990), From Colleagues in Crisis to the Synergy of the Set, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol.  22.  No.  1.

Mercer, J.R.  (1990), Action Learning: A Student's Perspective, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol.  22.  No.  2.

Morgan.  G., and Ramirez.  R.  , (1984), Action Learning: A Holographic Metaphor for Guiding Social Change, Human Relations, Vol.  37.  No.  1.

Morris, J., (1991), Action Learning: The Long Haul in Prior.  J.  (Editor) Action Learning in Practice, 2nd Edition, Gower, Aldershot, UK.

Morris, J., (1991), Minding Our Ps' and Qs' in Pedler.  M.  (Editor) Action Learning in Practice, Gower.  Aldershot, UK.

Mumford, A., (1985), A Review of Action Learning, Management Bibliographies and Reviews, Vol.  11.  No.  2.

Mumford, A.  (Editor), (1987), Action Learning Special Issue, Journal of Management Development, Vol.  6, No 2.

Mumford, A.  (1991), Learning in Action, Personnel Management, Vol.  23, No.  7.

Mumford, A.  (1993), How Managers can Develop Managers, Gower, Aldershot, UK.

Noel, J.L.  and Charan, R.  (1988), Leadership and Development at GE's Crotonville, Human Resource Management, Vol.  27.  No.  4.

Noel.  J.  and Charan, R.  (1992), GE Brings Global Thinking to Light, Training and Development (USA), July.

Pedler, M.  (Editor), (1991), Action Learning in Practice, 2nd Edition, Gower, Aldershot, UK.

Peters, J.  (Editor), (1988), Customers First - The Independant Answer, Business Education, Vol.  9.  No.  3/4.

Preston, A.P.  and Biddie, G., (1984), To Be or not to Be, International Journal of Career Management, Vol.  6., No.1.

Prideaux, G.  and Ford, J.E., (1988) Management Development: Competencies, Contracts, Teams and Work Based Learning, Journal of Management Development, Vol.  7.

Prideaux, G., (1990), Action Research, Organisation Change and Management Development, Australian Health Review, Vol.  13, No.1.

Prideaux, G., (1992), Making Action Learning More Effective, Training and Management Development Methods, Vol.  16.

Pun, A., (1990), Action Learning for Trainers' Development, Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol.  14., No.  9.

Raelin, J.  , (1994), Whither Management Education?, Management Learning, Vol.  25.  No.  2.

Ramirez, R., (1983), Action Learning: A Strategic Approach for Organisations Facing Turbulent Conditions, Human Relations, Vol.  36.  No.  8.

Reid, M., (1994), Action Learning: a Set within a Set, Training and Management Development Methods, Vol.  8.

Revans.  R.W., (1972), Action Learning - A Management Development Program, Personnel Review.  Autumn.

Revans, R.W., (1977), An Action Learning Trust, Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol.  1.  No.  1.

Revans, R.W., (1979), The Nature of Action Learning, Management Education and Development, Vol.  10.  No.  1.

Revans, R.W., (1980), Action Learning, Blond & Briggs, London.

Revans, R.W., (1982) The Origins and Growth of Action Learning, Chartwell Bratt Ltd, Bromley, UK.

Revans.  R., (1982), What is Action Learning, Journal of Management Development, Vol.  1.  No.  3.

Revans, R.W., (1983), Action Learning: Its Terms and Character, Management Decision, Vol.  21.  No.  1.

Revans, R.W., (1983), Action Learning: Kindling the Touch Paper, Management Decision, Vol.  21.  No.  6.

Revans, R.W., (1983), Action Learning: The Forces of Achievement or Getting it Done, Management Decision, Vol.  21.  No.  3.

Revans, R.W., (1983), Action Learning: The Skills of Diagnosis.  Management Decisions, Vol.  21.  No.  2.

Revans, R.W., (1983), Ex Cathedra' the Validation of Action Learning Programmes, Management Education and Development, Vol.  14.  No.  3.

Revans.  R., (1983), Action Learning at Work and in School- Part 1, Education and Training.  Vol.  25.  No.  9.

Revans.  R., (1983), Action Learning at Work and in School- Part 2, Education and Training.  Vol.  25.  No.  10.

Revans, R.  W., (1983), ABC of Action Learning, Chartwell Bratt, Bromley, UK.

Revans, R.  W., (1983), Action Learning: The Cure it Started, Management Decisions, Vol.  21.  No.  4.

Revans, R.  W., (1984), Action Learning: Are We Getting There?  Management Decisions, Vol.  22.  No.  4.

Revans.  R, (1985), Any More Unmeeting Twains?  Or Action Learning and its practitioners' in the 1980s, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol.  17.  No.  5.

Revans.  R., (1985), Action Learning: An International Contrast, Business Education, Vol.  6.  No.  3.

Smith, D.  (1983), Thoughts on Action Learning, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol.  15.  No.  1.

Smith, D., (1978), Action Learning, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol.  10.  No.  5.

Smith, D.J., (1992), Company Based Projects: Using Action Learning to develop Consultancy Skills, Journal of Management Development, Vol.  11, No.  1.

Smith, P.  (1988), Second Thoughts on Action Learning, Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol.  12., No.  6.

Sutton, D.  (1989), Further Thoughts on Action Learning, Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol.  13, No.  3.

Sutton, D., (1990), Action Learning in Search of P, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol.  22, No.  1.

Thorpe, R.  Alternative Theory of Management Education, Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol.  14, No.  2.

Thorpe, R.  (1988), An MSc by Action Learning: A Management Development Initiative by Higher Degree, Management Education and Development, Vol.  19.  Part 1.

Unni.  V., (1980), Action Learning: On-the-job Training for the Top Manager of the Future S.A.M.  Advanced management Journal, Vol.  45.  No.1.

Valpolla, A., (1989), Management Training at Wartsila, Executive Development, Vol.  2.  No.  1.

Vince, R.  and Martin, L., (1993), Inside Action Learning: An Exploration of the Psychology and Politics of the Action Learning Model, Management Education and Development, Vol.  24.  Part 3.

Wallace, M.  (1990), Can Action Learning Live Up to Its Reputation?, Management Education and Development, Vol.  21, Part 2.

Weekes, W.H., (1980), Action Learning: An Open Systems Approach to Management Education, Human Resources Management Australia, Vol.  18.  No.  3.

Weinstein, K., (1994), Experiences in Action Learning: A Dialogue with Participants, Management Bibliographies and Reviews, Vol.  20.  No.  8.

Weinstein, K., (1995) Action Learning, Harper Collins, London.

Willmott, H., (1994), Management Education: Provocations to a Debate, Management Learning, Vol.  25, No.  1.

Wills, G., (1983), Management Development Through Action, Journal of management Development, Vol.  2.  No.  1.

Wills, G., (1992), Enabling Managerial Growth and Succession, Management Decision, Vol.  30, No.1.

Wills, G., (1993), Your Enterprise School of Management, MCB University Press.

Zaner, R., (1968), Action Research in Management Development, Training and Development Journal, Vol.  22.  No.  6.

Zuber Skerrit, O., (1993), Professional Development in Higher Education: A Theoretical Framework for Action Research, Kogan Page, London.



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Sankaran, S.  (1996) Action research bibliography [On line].  Available at



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